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UPDATING ALMOST DAILY: Some quick info beforehand- no pre- existing conditions, pretty healthy, exercise a lot, walk a lot, strength training, meditation and yoga almost every day! I do have GAD, and have had hypochondria in the past so you can imagine this is my worst nightmare! My boyfriend works in a bar and we think he gave it to me. (He had a fever for 1 day but no other symptoms aside from sneezing afterwards, he never got tested) 12/09 Day 1 - Woke up with a terrible sinus headache/ migraine. Probably the worst I've ever had it, eyes hurt to move around so I took some ibuprofen and the headache and sinus issues seemed to resolve a bit. 13/09 Day 2- Another headache! This is pretty unheard of for me, have what feels like sinusitis. REALLY hurts to move my eyes. Feels like pressure in my upper sinuses but no nasal congestion. Starts to feel like I SHOULD have a cough but I don't. Also no fever throughout this whole process. 14/09 Day 3 - headache but not as bad as previous days, eyeballs don't hurt as much to move, upper sinuses still feel inflamed, no blocked nose, it's like having half a cold.

The K2 review 9/10 (spoiler) : KDRAMA

I can't express how much being in two relationships that are mutually the same has fucked me over. At least with my BD, he pretended to love me, but this guy I'm helping because I promised I wouldn't give up on him before it got bad, and I would hate myself even more for putting him out with nowhere to go when all of our issues stem from misunderstandings because of how I talk and communicate. It's been our understanding from the beginning that we're not together, and he has no interest in a relationship with me or any other women. He says that everything he says, I find some way to renege on, and I just don't see it. But it's been pointed out to me that's the best way to describe talking to me. I sometimes see that my brain assumes the worst too, I'll go to the kitchen looking for something, and automatically assume it's not where I left it or where it should be, because my life is always chaos, so I'll look in the backup spots and surprise, it's exactly where it was supposed to be. These last few months, he reconnected with an old friend of his and will be gone for days at a time with her.

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I'm swearing off major exercise until November to let me body recover. Hoping that this thing ends soon but I feel fairly lucky so far! I've been very anxious about COVID from the beginning (hypochondria doesn't help) I'm just trying to ride this out, I may update this as time goes on so that it can help people. At no point during this whole process did I ever have what I would call a fever, highest I got to was 37. 7/ 100 on day 1 for less than 5 hours. No cough, no shortness of breath so far. The anxiety still comes and goes, being stuck inside doesn't help. I keep fearing that it'll get worse etc but another part of me is saying it won't! Vitamins I'm taking are as follows- Super one multivitamin (contains Vitamins C, D, Zinc among many others) Vitamin K2 and K1, Omega 3 Fish oil, Vitamin C dispersables (I cut in half so as not the overwhelm my body with Vitamin c and possibly cause GI symptoms) Omeprazole (Today for the avid feeling) and gaviscon before coffee. I'm not a doctor or medically trained but this is just what I've been taking personally.

Tired of street cid. I planned on splitting 3-2 with the girl from before, but she was late arriving by about 30 minutes and I was pretty upset with her because of my own insecurities since she wasn't returning my affection. So I opted to take all of it. If you're going to read any of this, read the next paragraph. The next 16 hours can only be described as worse than death. Worse than ceasing to exist entirely. I'll try my best to describe it in words, so keep up. 500ug didn't seem like much, I mean shit my dealer sold me 2 200ug tabs and I took both, so whats the little step to 500? Don't trust what your dealer says the dose is. Mistake #1. The moment I felt the tabs hit I thought it was extremely intense so I told my friend and the girl who finally arrived that I wanted to lay in the bed, since it always was a great start to tripping. They're both sitting up to my left and right, and I am laying down in the bed. Suddenly, I get this crazy indescribable feeling of deja vu. I jump and say just that to my friends, the girl who I neglected to share with says "I felt that too, woah. "

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I resisted watching "The Tale of Nokdu" because I didn't like Kim So-hyun; she made life miserable for Kim Yoo-jung in "The Moon That Embraces The Sun. " Ha ha! Just kidding! Sometimes, an actor or actress plays a role so well that some viewers can't distinguish between reality and acting. For example, I still don't like Ji Chang-wook because of "Empress Ki. " He played his role so well that I have identified him with being childish, immature, and spineless. But anyway, I became interested in "The Tale of Nokdu" when I found out that a character later on becomes King Injo. I first came to know of King Injo in "The King's Doctor" and then in "The Three Musketeers" and "Chuno, The Slave Hunters. " After watching Ep. 6, I began to notice that "The Tale of Nokdu" has excellent cinematography. Here are some things I've noticed about this drama's cinematography. A. The scene that most impressed me about this drama in terms of cinematography and acting is in Eps. 7-8 when Dong Joo visited the childhood home where her family was massacred.

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Friday, 25-Dec-20 19:49:32 UTC