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"That is the conspiracy that is working against the people of the state of Illinois. " Gov. Pritzker updates the media on the latest COVID-19 numbers during his daily COVID-19 update at the James R. Thompson Center last week. Anthony Vazquez/Sun-Times file Leaders in suburban Cook County issued stay-at-home advisory Friday, following a similar guidance issued for Chicago a day earlier by Mayor Lori Lightfoot amid the violent viral flareup. Friday's case total included almost 3, 000 more infections than were reported a day earlier. The state's 25 highest daily caseloads have all come in the past four weeks. Even during the worst days of the New York crisis in April, that state never topped 13, 000 cases. Nor did California during its initial peak in July, according to data compiled by The New York Times. During their summertime surges, only Florida (15, 300) and Texas (15, 038) previously hit the staggering mark that has now been surpassed by Illinois. Still, cases are on the rise nationwide, and Illinois has one of the most robust testing programs.

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D'autres part, Sir Malcolm commencera à réaliser que quelque chose ne tourne pas rond entre lui et Evelyn Poole/Madame Kali (Helen McCrory). Il devrait à ce propos la confronter. La vidéo-promo de "Memento Mori", l'épisode 8 qui sera diffusé ce soir sur Showtime. L'ancien explorateur prendra enfin la mesure des derniers événements et notamment du suicide de sa femme survenu au cours de l'épisode 6. Par ailleurs, John Clare/Caliban (Rory Kinnear) donnera du fil à retordre à son créateur Victor Frankenstein (Harry Treadaway). A bout de patience, John Clare laissera sa rage s'exprimer et ira jusqu'à sérieusement bousculer le jeune docteur au sujet de Brona/Lily Frankenstein. En effet, alors que Victor a promis à sa Créature de lui fabriquer une fiancée, le scientifique en est tombé amoureux. Mais est-il réellement le prétendant de la jolie blonde, le plus dangereux? Rien n'est moins sur lorsqu'on observe la tournure de la relation entre Lily et le mystérieux dandy Dorian Gray (Reeve Carney).

Later, when Jim arranges a party for one of his clients, Brandon causes a scene when he finds Karla at the party serving drinks and thinks she's being used as cheap labor. 21 Feb. 1991 A Fling in Palm Springs During Presidents' Weekend, the gang goes to Palm Springs, where Dylan and Brenda plan to meet at a hotel for some time alone. But Brenda forgets the name of the hotel where she's supposed to meet Dylan. Meanwhile, David, wanting to fit in with the gang, ditches Scott and their trip to Magic Mountain to take Steve, Kelly and Donna to his grandparents' house, which is supposed to be empty. And Brandon stays home to help Nat at the Peach Pit, and discovers a secret that an apparently sarcastic boy named Curtis has been hiding. 28 Feb. 1991 Fame Is Where You Find It A right look at the right time and in the right place in a local park gets Brandon a role on a TV series and he gets to work with the teenage lead actress Lydia Leeds, while becoming an instant celebrity at school. But Brandon learns that Lydia may only be using him to get back at her own boyfriend and co-star on the show.

Dignified, the three of us squeeze between tables and sit ourselves, knees tight together, daintily on the chairs. 'Three browns, please, ' says Sylvie before we've been asked. The first version of 'Up the Junction' was of course Ken Loach and Tony Garnett's filming of the book for the Play for Today strand in 1965, with Carol White as Sylvie, Geraldine Sherman as Rube and Vickery Turner as Eileen, presumably the unnamed narrator of the book. Loach directs it in typical cine-verite style, almost like a documentary, with much of the dialogue lifted straight from the book (the book is really just a series of snatched conversations, presumably overheard and noted by Dunn over the 3-4 years she lived in Battersea, so it lends itself very well to this kind of filming). Eileen (Vickery Turner) and Dave (Tony Selby) There are only really three key incidents or situations in the book which are faithfully recorded by Loach in the TV version; the infamous abortion scene, Terry's death in a motorbike accident, and Dave (Tony Selby) going to prison for four years.

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