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Downton Abbey Saison Episode 9


Le gestionnaire de séries en détail, à quoi ça sert?

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Informations Genre: Série - Drame Année: 2013 Avec: Hugh Bonneville, Laura Carmichael, Jim Carter, Brendan Coyle, Michelle Dockery, Kevin Doyle... Résumé de l'Episode 9: Dernières festivités Au cours d'une réception, une indiscrétion de Rose amène le tricheur Lord Sampson à voler une lettre d'une amie du prince de Galles, Freda Dudley Ward. Lorsqu'il l'apprend, Lord Grantham rameute la famille afin de la retrouver et empêcher le scandale. Il embrigade même Bates, qui recourt à ses talents de faussaire pour aider Mary à pénétrer dans l'appartement de Sampson. Mais la lettre ne s'y trouve pas. Mrs. Hughes trouve un billet de train York-Londres, le jour où Green est mort. Elle en avertit Mary et conviennent de garder le secret. Mais, plus tard, Mary se débat avec sa conscience et songe à dire la vérité

On the question of whether Cliff murdered Billie, Rebecca told Entertainment Tonight: 'Obviously we have an answer to that, but I don't want to spoil it. ' Last year she made a rare public comment on her 2001 car accident that claimed a nine-year-old boy's life. The actress spoke candidly of feeling suicidal in the wake of the crash, when speaking on The Only One In The Room podcast. 'I just didn't want to live after that accident, ' said the mother-of-two. Speaking to host Laura Cathcart Robbins, the Kentucky native was totally transparent in her discussion of the tragic accident. Getting along: Rebecca and Eric split up in 2018 but have remained amicable co-parents and are looking after their children together during lockdown. Seen in 2016 'I had a very terrible accident happen. A 9-year-old child died. And, you know, everything changed from that and, you know, I still have trouble talking about it, obviously, so if I get emotional, I apologize, ' began Rebecca. 'And that, you know, changed me.

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